


And so here is my prayer for Chicago's killin fields. Lord Jesus Christ we pray for Your Presence in Chicago, and for the young "gangstas" and the good families, and the parents and their children, and the leaders, pastors, churches, priests, and everybody else in Chicago. We pray for them to come together to stop the killin'! Let there be unification for the sake of the kids. And let the hardened hearts of those who think they need to kill, be softened. Let the LIGHT shine thru ! Hear our prayer, Lord: Father-Son-Spirit!

Chicago News - Chicago Tribune

"FBI Sting Nets Two Chicago Area ISIS Supporters " :: The Investigative Project on Terrorism

"Two Chicago area men face up to 20 years in prison if convicted of providing material support to ISIS Joseph D. Jones and Edward Schimenti, both 35, were arrested Wednesday morning. They tried to provided ISIS cellphones and personnel, an FBI affidavit alleges.
The supplies were given instead to an FBI informant. Jones, aka..."


Jesus Saves