


And so here is my prayer for Chicago's killin fields. Lord Jesus Christ we pray for Your Presence in Chicago, and for the young "gangstas" and the good families, and the parents and their children, and the leaders, pastors, churches, priests, and everybody else in Chicago. We pray for them to come together to stop the killin'! Let there be unification for the sake of the kids. And let the hardened hearts of those who think they need to kill, be softened. Let the LIGHT shine thru ! Hear our prayer, Lord: Father-Son-Spirit!

Chicago News - Chicago Tribune

"Did Jussie Smollett and Kim Foxx Just Make Filing a False Police Report Legal in Chicago? ...Ms. Clark is not a movie star, she doesn’t have a high-priced lawyer, although, her lawyer's very good. And this smells big time. I didn't create this mess, your office created this mess. And your explanation is unsatisfactory to this court. She's being treated differently. There’s no publicity on this case. She doesn't have Mark Geragos as her lawyer or Ron Safer or Judge Brown. It's not right. And I proceed in this matter, you're just digging yourselves further in a hole. Press gets ahold of this; it’ll be the newspaper."

"Did Jussie Smollett and Kim Foxx Just Make Filing a False Police Report Legal in Chicago? ...Ms. Clark is not a movie star, she doesn't have a high-priced lawyer, although, her lawyer's very good. And this smells big time. I didn't create this mess, your office created this mess. And your explanation is unsatisfactory to this court. She's being treated differently. There's no publicity on this case. She doesn't have Mark Geragos as her lawyer or Ron Safer or Judge Brown. It's not right. And I proceed in this matter, you're just digging yourselves further in a hole. Press gets ahold of this; it'll be the newspaper."